Coming Up
The story of the bell...
The iconic bell in front of Louisville Elementary School has become a hallmark of many first and last day of school photos, but did you know the history of the bell dates back over 140 years?
The Louisville History Museum strongly believes the bell dates back to 1881, which is the year that the Louisville Grade School at Spruce and Jefferson opened. This is now the site of Memory Square Park. The bell can be seen in the school's bell tower in historic photos that are from before 1903, which is the year that the school was remodeled and enlarged. This makes the bell one of the oldest artifacts from Louisville's history, as Louisville was founded in 1878 and incorporated in 1882. The bell was manufactured by Goulds Mfg. Co. of Seneca Falls, NY. It is 33 inches in diameter and weighs approximately 700 pounds. When Louisville Elementary School opened its doors in 1964, the bell was relocated to the front of the building. Now the community can enjoy this piece of Louisville history each time they visit Louisville Elementary School!
Read more about the history of the Louisville Grade School, the famous bell, and the construction of Louisville Elementary School by reading the Fall 2021 edition of the Louisville Historian.
District and School News
The Boulder Valley School District remains steadfast in its dedication to educating each and every student and ensuring they and their family feel safe and welcomed, regardless of their race, gender identity, legal status or any other factor.
This month, BVSD continued efforts to monitor, evaluate, and respond to declining enrollment in the district. At a recent Board meeting, staff presented the Annual Trend Report which looks at enrollment at individual schools and whether action needs to be taken. Although enrollment continued to decline for the 2024-25 school year, losses were less than anticipated, and no new action was triggered for individual schools. The Board also got a preview of a new data visualization tool intended to make enrollment data more understandable and transparent. The data dashboard will be particularly valuable as the Board moves forward with reviewing elementary school attendance boundaries and considers whether to make changes.
As you may have heard, this year’s flu season is worse than normal due to the large amount of flu, especially flu type A, circulating in our schools and community. Along with flu, our local health agencies are also reporting other illness increases in schools and childcare settings. While catching an illness in a school or work setting is sometimes unavoidable, there are a few simple things you can do to do your best to keep yourself and others healthy.
Every Wednesday morning, a group of students and parents hop on their bicycles and pedal toward Columbine Elementary School, creating a vibrant and inspiring sight. The “Columbine Bici Bus Crew” is redefining how students get to school, fostering a sense of community, sustainability, and accessibility along the way.
As part of the All Together for All Students Strategic Plan, every BVSD school is implementing Data-Driven Instruction. Learn why DDI is helping to boost the academic performance of students and why BVSD’s efforts are garnering some national attention.
The Boulder Valley School District’s (BVSD) Information Technology (IT) department partnered with teachers and administration at Platt Middle School to create the first digital music lab in the district, featuring equipment commonly used by music industry professionals.